Search For Sweet Sounds

I love music.  All kinds of music.  Listening to music is one of the best pastimes you can embrace when you’re on your own.  Music elevates your mood, transforms your day, sets you on a path of wondrous self discovery.

“Without music, life would be a mistake”  Friedrich Nietzsche

Throughout my travels, I’ve found that music is everywhere.  On subway and transit platforms from New York to Paris.  On street corners, in parks and even in the tunnels under bridges in places like New York’s Central Park.

Trio Uses Acoustical Advantage of a Tunnel

Trio Uses Acoustical Advantage of a Tunnel

In open areas I’ve heard music played, across a full range from classical music to jazz and hip hop.  Sometimes, I’ve even discovered a bag piper practicing his skills in an open field or by The East River in New York.  Musicians will gather to play their tunes in the most unusual places.  On occasion, I set aside an afternoon to go and look for music.  It can be anywhere, but on a sultry summer afternoon on a weekend in New York, music fills every corner of the vast expanse and quiet niches of Central Park.


Jazz Quartet Cool Vibes on a Hot Day

Jazz Quartet Cool Vibes on a Hot Day

Not only is it easy to find, it’s delightful to come upon these talented groups and so easy to linger with a gathering crowd, to enjoy their gifted offerings.  With so much to enjoy, try treating yourself to an afternoon of fine music wherever you are.  Set out to find it and you’ll have yet another great experience of “A Table For One”.

Music is Everywhere!

Music is Everywhere!

Copyright 2015 Marion O’Grady

All rights reserved

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