Tag Archives: Nantucket

Memorial Day

Remembering the fallen and also those who fought and continue to fight in defense of freedom.  I think that Memorial Day is a unique holiday of patriotic celebration.  It’s even more poignant than the Fourth of July which is so exciting and celebratory.

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”       Edith Wharton

I like to think of those who put their lives in harm’s way for our freedom as having had a calling and extraordinary vision.  Our present was their future and so I think it’s very important to understand the depth and meaning of their sacrifice.  Sometimes, this calls on some quiet time “alone” to meditate and connect to their heroic acts of bravery.


Memorial Day

This year, I was on my own for Memorial Day weekend.  And so, I went in search of the largest American flag I could find, to photograph it and express gratitude to those who made the supreme sacrifice.  It felt right.

Memorial Day sunset

Memorial Day sunset

And a moody sunset goes a long way to a heartfelt salute of the day’s end.  If you find yourself alone on any holiday, be sure to find a way to celebrate it and honor it in your own way.  It makes for a really memorable moment to treasure!  And that’s “A Table For One”.

Copyright 2016 Marion M. O’Grady

All rights reserved



Make the Familiar New!

I have come to believe that there’s always something fun going on somewhere nearby.  Something you may not necessarily think of doing, if you’re on your own.  This very unique antique car show on Nantucket happens every spring.

“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.”                                John Barrymore

It’s a great celebration and lots of friends, families and tourists come out to celebrate it.  This year, I found myself on island alone.  Friends weren’t able to join me.  And so I debated on whether I would go.  There are always so many things to get done on the “to-do” list.

Daffodil weekend

I love a parade!

If you’re like me, you’ll sometimes use the fact that you’re alone, to pass on an opportunity to enjoy an event anyway.   This time, something drew me to put down my work and go explore the show on Main Street.  Take a break and explore.  And so off I went.

Antique cars

Surprise yourself!

I’ve always enjoyed this particular spring ritual.  But I’m usually with friends.  It still surprises me when I discover that I can experience just as much pleasure on my own at an event I’m accustomed to attending with friends.  This is why I recommend pushing yourself a bit, to get out and try it.  …although in a very different way.


Happy cars!

When you’re on your own, you may miss having someone to share your observations at first.  But, on the other hand, I think you’re also likely to see things differently.   And enjoy them in an entirely unique way.  The familiar suddenly is new!  Being free to linger where I want, respond to my own timeline, drink in the surroundings and thoroughly enjoy myself without worrying about others is fun.  Try it.  Seek out events in your own backyard and venture out and about on your own.  You may just discover it’s uplifting and will make you feel happy!  And that’s what “A Table For One” is all about.

Copyright 2016 Marion M. O’Grady

All rights reserved.




Observing The Seasons

I think that one of the most engaging activities you can do on your own, is to observe and make note of what goes on with a particular change of season.  Reflecting on your surroundings can be inspirational.  When you encounter a difficult or challenging passage in life, I think that looking outward becomes even more important than looking inward.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”                      Leo Tolstoy

Season changes are rarely the same.  Especially these days, with the impact of global warming and the resulting changes in climate everywhere.  This year in the northeast, the winter was unbearably cold and destructive.  But the spring, summer and now the fall have been glorious.

A November Rose?

A Rose in November?

On this off-season trip to Nantucket, I found roses blooming amid the fading hydrangea.  What a contrast!  Here, the autumn had already settled in.  Leaves were falling and the chill of the air made it clear that we had already moved closer to the coming winter season.  Summer was long over.

New Blooms in November

New Blooms in November

What’s really striking about this phenomenon is that it’s not a common one.  These roses usually bloom twice on Nantucket.  Once in June/July and again in September.  I don’t recall ever seeing them bloom a third time, much less in November!

Autumn Roses!

Autumn Roses!

I thought about how meaningful it is, to see new life burst out from the fading plants.  It looked like a significant symbol.  One that represents the notion that, just when you think a certain phase of your own life is coming to a finish, new growth appears and blazes through to remind us that there will be spring ahead.  That, in order to let new things come into your life, you need to allow the old order to pass gracefully.  To surrender to the change.  Not fight it.

Sometimes, you will find yourself at “A Table For One” reluctantly.  That’s OK.  Life is full of twists and turns.  Just remember to look around and absorb what your surroundings are telling you.  It can be so richly rewarding.  Let the old fade away and the new take hold!

Copyright 2015 Marion M. O’Grady



Off Season is On

Traveling off season can offer wonderful opportunities to explore.  It sometimes seems that life is in such fast motion that it’s hard to recognize the special moments until they’ve come and gone.  And it seems, they come and go far too quickly.  The speed that we all move at these days, creates a blur.  It’s difficult, if not impossible to focus.  There’s always one more thing to rush on to.   One more issue to address.  Not enough time in a day.  Off season can be slow and savoring.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”                                    Soren Kierkegaard

The fact is, that most of the things we’re in a hurry about won’t really matter in the long run.  It’s so important to understand this and to do all you can to really “experience” your life.  Planning with purpose is an important aspect to exploring things on your own.  Here’s a great example:  having come and gone from Nantucket to New York so frequently and seemingly always in a rush, there are some things I just haven’t had a chance to do.  Especially in the off season.

Nantucket Scallops Fresh from the Bay!

Nantucket Scallops Fresh from the Bay!

So this year, I decided to slow down the manic travel plans in November and take time out to enjoy a uniquely Nantucket Island experience.  The anticipation of getting one of the first batches of succulent Nantucket Bay  Scallops fresh from the sea can’t be overrated.  This happens in the “off season”, specifically in November for the commercial fishermen.  The bounty is fragile and every year, lately it seems somewhat diminished due to environmental changes.

Glidden's Seafood Store

Glidden’s Seafood Store

 But it’s not just the future peril of this delicacy that draws special attention.  It’s the fact that you can literally shop for them on the same day they’ve been harvested from the sea by the scallopers.  We all love the “Farm to Table” movement.  There’s something equally amazing about the “Sea to Table” phenomenon.

Fresh From the Sea

Fresh From the Sea

 Glidden’s, one of my favorite fish shops sells daily catch, huge lobsters and the first scallops of the season.  I decided to buy 2 pounds and freeze some of them for winter trips to the island.  When the scallops are first in, most of the restaurants that remain open, make their own special recipes.  As for me, I love to prepare them in EVOO with a bit of garlic and butter to finish.  Salt and pepper to season, with fresh lemon, parsley and red pepper flakes.  Keeping it simple allows the sweetness of the bay scallops to shine through.  Nothing could be better.  Visit the island, shop the fish and cook a delightful meal.  “A Table For One.”  Let the off season begin!

Copyright 2015 Marion M. O’Grady

Day Trippin’

I think that day trips are highly underrated.  While we spend hours planning for major getaways,  we frequently overlook the fun that can be had from just spontaneously hopping in a car, taking a train ride or even a bus to a nearby location for the day.  Taking a break from your own routine surroundings, even if just for a few hours, can rejuvenate and reenergize your perspective.

“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see.”  John Burroughs

I have found that there are an infinite variety of things to do when you’re on your own.  Breaking out of the scenery you live in is always invigorating.  It gives you a different way to see your everyday environment.  When you return, after exploring a totally different landscape, you feel that you’ve been far away, even if you’ve just gone an hour or so away from home base.

Break away for a spontaneous adventure, somewhere nearby!

Break away for a spontaneous adventure, somewhere nearby!

The town of Greenwich, Ct. is not far from Manhattan.  I grew up in Rye, N.Y. and attended elementary and high school in Greenwich, so it too is very familiar territory.  Greenwich is a great choice for a day trip from New York City.  Nestled in the northern end of Greenwich, there are acres and acres of meadows, lines of old stone walls meandering up and down hills, trees as old as those hills and a plethora of expansive fields to explore.  And there, you will find the Audubon Center…an absolute treasure, so near and yet so far from the intenseness of city life.

The Audubon Center nestled in the northern corner of Greenwich, Ct.

The Audubon Center nestled in the northern corner of Greenwich, Ct.

The Audubon Center of Greenwich is a nature center comprised of over 200 acres of land and offers 7 miles of trails to walk.  Who would suspect that such a rich resource as this would be so close to the city of New York?  The beautiful welcome center has a gift shop, lots of reading materials, rooms for their regular talks and the people are lovely.  Here is where you can rest after a long walk, sit on their back deck overlooking the property and enjoy the spectacular view.

The Audubon Center of Greenwich, Ct.

The Audubon Center of Greenwich, Ct.

Pack up your favorite sandwich, snacks and bottled water for a picnic.  Don’t forget your sunscreen, a hat and be sure to wear good walking shoes.  This is a day trip made to order.  The trails are long and complex enough to make it a return-to favorite.  For me, the complete contrast from the concrete pathways of the city is a welcome relief.  Open sky, earthy terrain,  beautiful flora, fauna and birds…what a magnificent way to spend a day!  It would be great to go with a friend too.  But this is a perfect day trip just for you!  Revel in the freedom of a very special adventure on your own.

Create your own backyard habitat!

Create your own backyard habitat!

The Audubon Center also offers great ideas on how to create your own backyard habitat.  It doesn’t have to be fancy.  These are great ideas from the best experts.  Since the Center also offers interesting talks and tours, this will be something to consider doing for another “A Table For One” experience.  Try not to waste any time, if you find yourself alone, set out on a day trip! You’ll find it’s one of the best ways to enjoy “being” on your own!

Copyright 2015 Marion O’Grady

All rights reserved

Traveling Solo


My best advice for your first “solo” trip is to select a place you’re familiar with.  For me, that was Nantucket Island in Massachusetts.  I had spent many Augusts vacationing on Nantucket, as a child.  It held memories and enchantment at the same time.  So this was a natural and easy first choice.  I knew that I would feel at ease on the island, while traveling alone.

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.”                               Abraham Lincoln            

I decided to take the “slow” ferry over from Hyannis.  The longer crossing set a relaxed pace from the start.  You’re never really alone, there are so many people everywhere you go.  But the experience of traveling on your own is truly unique.  You have the opportunity to observe more and stretch your imagination.  You are free to make your own plans and go where you want to  go, without consulting others.

You may even find that going on a vacation alone gives you more opportunity to meet other people!  At the very least, you will find that you have more time to explore your surroundings. You’re free to chose exactly what you’d like to do.  Chose a place you know you like first.  There will be plenty of chances to find new destinations, once you’ve experienced your first “A Table For One” vacation.

Copyright 2015 Marion O’Grady