Tag Archives: dinner

Valentine’s Day Is Here!

I think it’s perfectly fine to indulge yourself with a glass of bubbly, a fabulous homemade dinner and anything else that you enjoy on Valentine’s Day.  Just because you’re on your own doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate!  As a matter of fact, it’s important to pull out the stops!

“All you need is love.  But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”                                  Charles M. Schulz

Valentine sweets

Have some chocolate!

By now, you’ve shopped for cards, sent them to friends, picked up the roses and done some relaxing reading on the subject of love.  The lead-up to the day should be really helpful.  I think fully embracing the moment is key.  Yes, I can also get pretty sentimental on a holiday like this, when I’m on my own.  But that’s why facing it head-on is the best strategy, because either way, the holiday itself is unavoidable!



So, as the sun sets on the holiday, set a beautiful table, enjoy your meal and settle in for a fabulous film, like “Love Actually”, or “Something’s Gotta Give”.  And be sure to raise that glass of bubbly and salute yourself for having had an unexpectedly fabulous holiday.  That’s how to celebrate Valentine’s Day at “A Table For One”.

Copyright 2017 Marion M. O’Grady

All rights reserved


Off Season is On

Traveling off season can offer wonderful opportunities to explore.  It sometimes seems that life is in such fast motion that it’s hard to recognize the special moments until they’ve come and gone.  And it seems, they come and go far too quickly.  The speed that we all move at these days, creates a blur.  It’s difficult, if not impossible to focus.  There’s always one more thing to rush on to.   One more issue to address.  Not enough time in a day.  Off season can be slow and savoring.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”                                    Soren Kierkegaard

The fact is, that most of the things we’re in a hurry about won’t really matter in the long run.  It’s so important to understand this and to do all you can to really “experience” your life.  Planning with purpose is an important aspect to exploring things on your own.  Here’s a great example:  having come and gone from Nantucket to New York so frequently and seemingly always in a rush, there are some things I just haven’t had a chance to do.  Especially in the off season.

Nantucket Scallops Fresh from the Bay!

Nantucket Scallops Fresh from the Bay!

So this year, I decided to slow down the manic travel plans in November and take time out to enjoy a uniquely Nantucket Island experience.  The anticipation of getting one of the first batches of succulent Nantucket Bay  Scallops fresh from the sea can’t be overrated.  This happens in the “off season”, specifically in November for the commercial fishermen.  The bounty is fragile and every year, lately it seems somewhat diminished due to environmental changes.

Glidden's Seafood Store

Glidden’s Seafood Store

 But it’s not just the future peril of this delicacy that draws special attention.  It’s the fact that you can literally shop for them on the same day they’ve been harvested from the sea by the scallopers.  We all love the “Farm to Table” movement.  There’s something equally amazing about the “Sea to Table” phenomenon.

Fresh From the Sea

Fresh From the Sea

 Glidden’s, one of my favorite fish shops sells daily catch, huge lobsters and the first scallops of the season.  I decided to buy 2 pounds and freeze some of them for winter trips to the island.  When the scallops are first in, most of the restaurants that remain open, make their own special recipes.  As for me, I love to prepare them in EVOO with a bit of garlic and butter to finish.  Salt and pepper to season, with fresh lemon, parsley and red pepper flakes.  Keeping it simple allows the sweetness of the bay scallops to shine through.  Nothing could be better.  Visit the island, shop the fish and cook a delightful meal.  “A Table For One.”  Let the off season begin!

Copyright 2015 Marion M. O’Grady

Dining Tips: Repeat Visit

“People who love to eat are always the best people”  Julia Child

When you’re first out there, exploring the adventure of dining alone, try “repeat dining”.   Of course the goal is to get enough experience to feel comfortable going anywhere.  But to get to that point, it’s helpful to chose a place and go there a couple of times, if you like it.

Here’s why:  The first time, you may feel a bit uncomfortable.  But if you have a good experience and are sure to leave a nice tip (no need to go overboard, just don’t be stingy), you will be remembered.  The trick is to go back soon after your first outing, so you’re recognized.

I’ve found this to be helpful in neighborhood restaurants and, even more importantly, when traveling.  In most cases, they will welcome you back, remember which table you liked and sometimes they add a special amuse bouche from the chef, or after dinner drink to your meal.  It will make you feel a bit royal.  Imagine the next time, when you bring someone along with you…they will see how you are greeted with special treatment and be delighted as well!




Copyright Marion O’Grady 2015