Monthly Archives: April 2018

Chalk Art

Spring has been far too slow in coming.  Winter coats are beginning to look drab and the folks wearing them look weary.  So it’s no surprise that going out for a walk today wasn’t something I was expecting to be terribly uplifting.  That is, until I ran into the Chalk Art man.

“Art is beautiful.  It makes you happy”    Honschar, the NYC Chalk Artist                                                                                  

So when I came upon this artist, hard at work lighting up an otherwise gray and dreary sidewalk with cheerful messages of birthday greetings and custom crafted salutes to brothers and sisters, I had to stop.

City Chalk Artists

Chalk Art!

He was happily calling upon the growing crowd to be good to their moms and dads.  Encouraging children to be good.  Reminding adults to “call your mother”.  Who doesn’t find that chant delightful and valuable?

Reminder to call

Call to action!

We spoke and I told him I’d like to include him in my blog, would he mind?  He seemed thrilled and then graciously offered to create a bit of street chalk art for me.  Here it is!  I just loved his enthusiasm and I told him with gratitude how much joy he brings to others.



Honschar The Chalk Artist

Unexpected things happen when you push yourself to explore and engage when you see something inspirational.  I’m so happy I decided to speak to this talented and generous sidewalk chalk artist today.

Celebrating Chalk Art

Art to make you happy!

And that’s a great and unexpected “A Table for One” adventure!

Copyright 2018 Marion M. O’Grady

All rights reserved

Winter Blues

Of course, winter weather varies, depending on where you live.  But I have found that, generally speaking, this particular season tends to feel longer than any other!  Perhaps it’s that the daylight hours are shortened and so the feeling of darkness prevails.  Or maybe that we spend more time indoors?

“Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”  Paul Theroux

Daffodils and snow

Daffodils and snow

I love this quote from Paul Theroux.  For me, it expresses a beautiful reason to dig deeper and explore more positive rationales to enjoy what can otherwise seem to be a dreary and endless march of cold days and longer months.  I find it so inspiring to think of winter as a season of recovery.  Hibernating can be so restorative.  It requires some planning, however.

Even if I’m not entertaining, in the winter, I’ll take time to shop for a special dinner of fresh fish and vegetables to cook up for myself.  It’s soothing to prepare a cup of tea and put on some music you haven’t listened to in a while.  Or to treat yourself to a special dessert.

The notion that winter is also a time to prepare is a great idea too!  Looking ahead to spring, when it comes, can include some wonderful ideas for re-organizing at home.  Changing up your decor, introducing a new painting or object d’art to refresh your space.

Winter is definitely a long season.  Finding ways to enjoy it is so important.  Celebrate by finding new things to do and enjoy “A Table for One”.

Copyright 2018 Marion M. O’Grady